We will make a countdown maze game example with Scratch. For the countdown maze game example we will make with Scratch, we upload the maze picture we downloaded to our computer from the scene section to the scratch program. Then we select the object that we will move in the maze section from the choose a sprite section and add it to our scene.
We bring the object to be moved to the red point,
which is the starting point. First of all, we create a variable named Duration to calculate the elapsed time in the maze from the "Variables"
When you click the
green flag, set the duration variable to 40. Our goal is to get the ball to the
finish line in 40 seconds. If our ball object to move, we give the x and y
coordinates to go to the red starting point. Our object will not move only
once. First of all, we add the "Forever" code from the
"Control" menu so that it moves every time we press the arrow key.
Now it's time to check which direction key is pressed. For this, we add the
"If" code from the "Control" menu. If it is inside, we can
check which button is pressed or not from the "Sensing" menu. We
start checking whether the "Up Arrow" button is pressed or not. If
the up arrow key is pressed, our object will move in the positive direction in
the Y coordinate. In this coordinate, we can increase Y by 3 and make it go 3
steps. We check in the same way whether the down arrow key is pressed or not.
This goes in the negative direction in the Y coordinate. Then we can increase Y
by -3 so that the object goes down. When we press the Right arrow key, it moves
in the positive direction in the X coordinate, and when we press the Left arrow
key, it moves in the negative direction in the X coordinate. If we want the
game to end when the object touches the black lines, from the
"Control" menu, if we use the code inside, from the "Sensing" menu, "Is it worth its color? We use the “ code and
make the color black. If
it hits the black lines, we use the "Hello de" code from the
"Looks" menu and change it to "Sorry you lost". In the next
code, we give the starting point of the object and make the object go there
automatically. We always stop the increasing time with the stop all code from
the "Control" menu. We also prevent the object from moving. If the
object has reached the end point or not, we get the code from the "Control"
menu, and if it touches the green color from the "Sensing" menu, we
remove the text " Congratulations You Won". And we add “Stop all” code to stop the
time. We check if our time is over with the "If" code. We get the
time variable in the variables menu. We put the time variable inside the two expression
equals code in the operation section. In the other part, we write 0. Thus, if
the duration variable is equal to 0, the message "Sorry your time is up"
In order to make
the time countdown, we wait 1 second in the repeat code and decrease the
duration variable by 1. Thus, the duration variable decreases by 1.
download the source code of the program CLICK HERE
To see the running version of the program CLICK HERE
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