We will make an example of making a number guessing game with the Scratch program.
For the Number
guessing game we will make with Scratch: You will have 3 credits to guess the
randomly generated number between 1-10. First, we create a variable called the
number to be estimated from the Variables menu. In order for this variable to
generate a random number between 1-10, we place the number 1-10 code from the
Operators menu into the number variable to be estimated. Thus, the random
number to be generated will be assigned to this variable and the number will be
kept in this variable. After that, we use the Ask and Wait code from the
Sensing menu to get a number estimate from the user. In order for the
person to see how many rights he has left, we generate a variable called Credits from the Variables menu. We reduce this variable by one
immediately after the user enters their first guess. The guess that the person
entered is assigned to the response variable. Now, we need to check this with
the random number generated by the computer. We do this with the If code from
the Control section. From the operations, we place it in the code if not to
compare the number to be guessed and the response. If the number to be guessed
is not equal to the answer we entered, let's give the user a "sorry"
message using the Ask and wait code from the Sensing menu and ask him to
enter a reply again. In the meantime, let's not forget to reduce the credits by 1. If the number generated by the computer is equal to our response;
For this, let's take the equals code from the Control section, and the equals
code from the Operators menu section, and place it in the code if it is, and get
the number held on both sides of the equals and our response. If there is an
equality, we guess the number correctly.
We add a
congratulations message from the view, and finally we show the user the number
the computer is holding. Then we add the Stop All code from the control
menu, which stops all the codes. If we don't add this code, let's say that
the user guessed the first right number, the program starts to run again and
gets 2 more guesses from the user. Because the codes were set to be repeated 2
times. If the user did not know about 3, then we give a sorry message and add
the guessed number variable that we created in the variables menu into the code
for 2 seconds, which we added from the Looks, the number the computer kept.
To download the source code of the program CLICK HERE
To see the running version of the program CLICK HERE
For All Scratch Examples CLICK HERE
For Mblock With Arduino Examples CLICK HERE
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