In this application, we will make a parking sensor application using HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor and Buzzer. A list of materials: 1-Arduino Uno 2-BreadBoard 3-1 Buzzers 4-1 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor 5-Jumper Cables We need your supplies. We connect the long leg of Buzzer, which we added to our breadboard, with the jumper cable to the digital pin 10 in our ardunio uno material. We connect the short leg of the buzzer to the GND (negative) terminal of the Ardunio Uno with a jumper cable. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor has 4 legs. We connect the leg that says VCC to 5V with a cable. I connected the leg that says Trigger to digital pin 9, the leg that writes Echo to digital pin 8, and the leg that writes GND to the GND terminal. The circuit diagram is given below. Code Part: In the Mblock program, we add the Arduino program starter code from the Robots menu. After adding the forever code from the control menu, we create a variab...