In this application, we will make a parking sensor application using HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor and Buzzer.
1-Arduino Uno
3-1 Buzzers
4-1 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
5-Jumper Cables
We connect the long leg of Buzzer, which we added to our
breadboard, with the jumper cable to the digital pin 10 in our ardunio uno
material. We connect the short leg of the buzzer to the GND (negative) terminal
of the Ardunio Uno with a jumper cable. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor has
4 legs. We connect the leg that says VCC to 5V with a cable. I connected the
leg that says Trigger to digital pin 9, the leg that writes Echo to digital pin
8, and the leg that writes GND to the GND terminal. The circuit diagram is
given below.
Code Part:
In the Mblock program, we add the Arduino program starter
code from the Robots menu. After adding the forever code from the control menu,
we create a variable called Distance from the data menu to show us the distance
inside. We add this code from the data menu. In the inner part of this code, we
take the code that will read the values on the ultrasonic and trigger pin
that we connect to the digital pins on the distance sensor and will take these
values and put it into the distance variable. Thus, we assign the values
measured by the sensor to the distance sensor. In order to print this value,
we can see the value measured by the sensor on the screen by putting the
distance variable into the code to write hello to the serial port. For this, of
course, we need to choose the char mode, not the binary. Then we will compare
with the code if it is. If the measured distance is less than 20, the buzzer
will start to sound. We have connected the buzzer to digital pin number 10.
This will be repeated every 0.1 second. After selecting Arduino Uno (or choose
which board you are using) from the cards menu, select the Arduino mode from the
Edit menu and press the Upload to Arduino button, send the codes we have
written to our Arduino board and upload them. we will be. Thus, our program
becomes ready to run.
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